Posted by AoifeAine
Shillelagh Hunt Makes Welcome Donation
The Aoife and Aine Kennedy Memorial Fund received a welcome donation recently, as the members of the Shillelagh and District Hunt handed over a cheque for €1,000.
The money will go to help fund children’s charities in memory of the two little sisters Aoife and Aine who died tragically at the ages of five and a half, almost four years apart.
Speaking on behalf of the fund, the girls’ parents, Caroline and Matt sent a big thank you to all involved in the Hunt for choosing their charity to help make a difference to sick children.
The Hunt is run locally in Carnew every new year, and the chosen charities for the year were The Aoife and Aine Kennedy Memorial Fund and the Cheshire Home in Shillelagh who were both presented with cheques for €1,000 each.
To date, thousands of euro have been raised for the Aoife and Aine Memorial Fund, and a transport ventilator was bought for the children’s ward at Wexford General Hospital, with the help of the Baby Max Foundation. Occupational Therapy equipment was also purchased for St. Senan’s Primary School Autistic Unit where Aine was a pupil. Two respiratory trolleys were also purchased for Wexford Hospital’s ICU and children’s ward. Funding for OT services for Autistic Children within Cottage Autism Network, Wexford was also supported.
The charity is presently raising funds to open an A&E paediatric room at Wexford General Hospital.